CALL for participation on @home Education
01 Jun 2022

Please visit the official website for more information on:
You can contact us via email:
Pavilhão Multiusos - Guimarães
Alameda Cidade de Lisboa 481, Guimarães (Portugal)
GPS: 41.4354604427687, -8.306253820680457
RoboCup@Home Education is an educational initiative that promotes educational efforts to promote access to modern technologies such as computer vision, speech understanding, or machine learning and to boost RoboCup@Home participation and service robot development. The aim is to narrow the technological gap between RoboCupJunior and RoboCup Major leagues. RoboCup@Home Education activities started in 2015 with various workshops and competitions around the globe. The workshop audiences range from inexperienced high school students to freshmen in engineering programs at the university level. In order to provide a soft start, the competitions are blended with preparation workshops. Teams will be assisted remotely in preparation for the challenge with tutorials (possibly webinars) and assignments.
There are two types of robot platforms in the Education Challenge: Open Platform (OP) and Standard Platform (SP).
Teams in Open Platform use custom build robots for the challenge events. The challenge’s development focus is on both hardware and software designs.
Teams in Standard Platform use a standardized robot platform - Pepper robot from SoftBank Robotics in the challenge events. The development focus is mainly on software design.
For more details and competition rules, please visit
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